coin is round. This resembles the vicious cycle of life. We are connected in
one way or other. One’s action will leave a mark on others. We depend on each
other for survival. The good will always reap the best. Good merits are echoed
back to us when we help others. No doubt the bad will harvest the worst. Nobody
can escape the circle of sufferings. It doesn't differentiate between rich and
the poor. All are circled by it. The way we influence people positively matters
a lot. By doing so, we can liberate ourselves from the vicious circle of life.
Our action is the seed of our future.
coin is mostly blended with silver. It’s strong. Every one of us has the
potential to be the coin. All it takes is determination. No matter how hard is
the coin, if we don’t care it will rust and lose its radiance. It will be
worthless too. Our life is no exception. If we let it corrode like the coin,
certain that it will be valueless. Nurture it. Otherwise life would be
coin is engraved with stunning designs and famous figures. Our life too can be
made beautiful by incising right actions and thoughts. Engage in productive
works and let no evils conquer our mind. Great people are remembered throughout
the history because of their tireless contribution to the world. We can do the
same. One should not be complacent, rather work hard. And for decades, the
legacy will be remembered by the world. Those sculptured figures, who
selflessly devoted their whole life for the cause of others are today,
resurrected. The world looks up to them as an edifice of human being.
coin is small but efficient. It is constituted of incalculable particles. Undeniably,
Human life is also an aggregate of innumerous karma.
life many small things remain unnoticed. We overlook them not realizing how useful
they are. In real, these small things make up life. Although, a coin is less
valued it’s worth thousand things. Likewise, we are also capable of doing great
things gradually. Good Life is the accumulation of small
things. What we call little thing are the embryo of great things. Most of us
fail because we don’t care much about the little things. Small kindness, small courtesies
and small affection are enough to do wonders because they are the stair way to
successful life.
Nice review and reflections between coin and our lives :)